Liver and Gallbladder Detoxification of Stones and Toxins

Liver and Gallbladder Detoxification

Liver and Gallbladder Detoxification disease are the two main causes of gallstones. Gallbladder disease occurs in cases of cirrhosis of the liver, where there is a high production of bile and toxin in the liver. Gallstones, being hard stones can obstruct the bile ducts thus causing them to become blocked.

There are many ways of treating gallbladder disease but the most common ways are non-surgical treatment. Non-surgical treatment involves using antibiotics, homeopathy, Ayurvedic & Natural way.


Commonly known as the Liver Gallbladder Flush protocol



Epson Salt, Lemons and Grapefruit Juice freshly Squeezed, which needs to be Juiced by a simple fruit Juicer and Extra virgin olive oil cold pressed organic if possible.



End of Day (1) To prepare: please finish your last meal 4 hours before Bedtime, and drink up to one gallon of fresh water during the day to make sure the body is hydrated.


The next day do not take any food and very little of Water (For Best Results). Prepare for a simple food fast!


  • Reminder at the End of Day (1), please eat 4 hours before bedtime, up to one gallon of fresh water through out the day.
  • Next Morning at 6 – 8 am, take 1 tablespoon of Epson Salt in 14-16 oz of water.
  • 11am, Take 1 Tablespoon of Epson Salt in 14-16 oz of water.
  • 2 pm, Take 1 Tablespoon of Epson Salt in 14-16 oz of water.
  • At 8 pm, Take the Juice of Lemons and Grapefruit Juice – mainly lemons of a mixture of 16 to 20 oz with min of 4 – 6 oz of Extra Olive Oil cold pressed, blend it in a blender and drink all as fast and as soon as possible.
  • Need to go to bed within 30 minutes of drinking this, and lay on your right side.
  • Next Morning at 6 am, take 1 tablespoon of Epson Salt with 14 to 16 oz of Water. During this time drink aprox. 20 to 32 ounces of water.
  • Finish up at 8 am; take 1 Tablespoon of Epson Salt with 14 to 16 oz of water.


Note: At this time you can drink fresh water to help the body flush, and to start hydrating the body again. You should see many stones and dark clumps being removed from the liver and gallbladder.

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